Services for Earthquake Shutoff Valves in Redlands, CA

Protect your home in Redlands with our earthquake shutoff valve services. Contact us today!

In the heart of Redlands, CA, Schuelke Plumbing & Construction stands as a beacon of safety and reliability for homeowners concerned about earthquake preparedness. Earthquakes are unpredictable, but with our earthquake shutoff valve service, you can take a significant step toward protecting your home and loved ones.

As a family-owned and -operated local business with over 40 years of experience, we pride ourselves on using locally sourced materials and providing straightforward pricing to make the process as transparent and hassle-free as possible.

What is an Earthquake Shut-Off Valve?

Earthquake shut-off valves, also known as seismic valves, regulate the supply of gas in the event of an earthquake. The valve is installed directly on your gas meter and uses motion sensor technology to automatically shut off your property’s natural gas supply if an earthquake causes a gas leak.

What Are the Dangers of Having a Gas Leak?

Gas leaks are incredibly dangerous, but they are not always immediately detectable, especially if you are just recovering from an earthquake.

A gas leak on your property can cause:

  • Fire
  • Explosion
  • Chest pain
  • Asphyxia
  • Poisoning

Even smaller gas leaks can cause adverse effects like nausea, fatigue, chest pain, memory loss, and more. An earthquake shut-off valve can protect you and your family from the dangerous effects of gas leaks after an earthquake. Because they work automatically, they can stop everything from minor to major leaks from cracked or broken gas lines.

Protect your home from flooding and water damage with a fully functional sump pump. When yours gives you trouble, we can help with professional sump pump repair and replacement.